Pavilion C!

On 13 August in the middle of Fagerlidsparken, we opened the first of four temporary pavilions.
Through Konsthall C, we present Pavilion C - a temporary meeting place for art, culture and Hökarängen's local community in general. The pavilion gives us an opportunity to extend the season for outdoor activities, and is a place for both the art gallery's programs and local initiatives.
The dates are:
August 13th to 15th,
August 21st to 22nd
August 28th to 29th
September 4th to 5th
The pavilion opens up a space for community where together we can transform the social and economic turmoil the crisis has brought, and replace it with creative expressions and visions. Pavilion C is a construction that expands (and elevates) the ideas of the park to the benefit of a vibrant district where local associations and groups, preschool, leisure, adults, young people, children, visitors and guests, at different times in different ways for a while take place in creativity.
The pavilion is taking shape now during a special time in our lives in the summer of 2021. The pavilion is a place that rests on our memories, individual and collective. A time when we more than ever look ahead and extend the summer towards a place beyond the ongoing pandemic.
Check out the application link! The program will be designed continuously so fill in and we will return as soon as possible!
In collaboration with Hökarängen's Civil City Council, Fagerlidsgruppen and Spridd Arkitekterr. Supported by the Swedish Arts' Council.
Pavilion C - Sepember 13/8–5/9
PROGRAM AUGUST 13-15 Fagerlidsparken
Friday 13/8
Construction toy workshop with the artist Camilla Karlsson
16.00- 17.40
Pamela San Martin Gonzalez - Puppet show for young and old
Spielklub (Lekklubb) A warm welcome from 16:30, we offer sausages and bread as well as coffee and cake. Arr: Meike Schalk, Anette Göthlund, Miro Sazdic Löwstedt, KTH and Konstfack.
Lecture by Claudia Hummel. Spielklub (Lekklubb) 1970/2020. Reactivation of a city created by children's play that was critical of capitalism. (Lecture)
Mira Mutka - Slowathone (Interactive Choreographic Art Performance)
Join and slowly enter into a vertical relationship to gravity through parts of the Fibonacci sequence.
19.30 -22.00
DJ Petter Kallionen
Saturday 14/8
14.00 -15.00
James Webb (Artist talk)
We reveal which tree Webb has installed his bird in and much more.
15.00 -16.00
Camilla Karlsson - About Play
Conversations about play, park play activities at the former Fagerlid park play and park games in the suburbs and inner city. (Panel discussion)
16.15 -17.00
17.00 - 17.30
Helena Martinsson & Hedvig Hasselström - Opera potpourri
17.45 -18.45
Cyclops Jam - Open improvisation for anyone who wants to play! Bring instruments or use the instruments available on site! Total d.i.y. All sounds can be included.
Collectibles (Rock'n'roll)
Gun Control (Rock'n'roll)
DJ Anna Drvnik
Sunday 15/8
14.00 -16.00
Construction toy workshop
14.00 -16.00
Mats Eriksson - Witness seminar
"The revolution must start in the sandbox" What do children have to say about urban planning and the democratic society? Conversation and film screening about the project Action Conversation.
16: 30-17: 30
"Dreams like light on my path" & other songs with Ninna Gudmundsson backed by the duo Trabbant which consists of Mikael Christensen & Ove Gustafsson.
PROGRAM 21-22 AUGUST - Tegelscenen
Saturday 21/8
14:00 - 14:45
Sanda Tcacencu & Co. - Dance performance
15:00 - 16:30
Creartivista Kollectiva - Art Performance
DJ Martin Ahlberg
18:00 - 18:40
18:45 - 19:00
Annika Koskinen - Egyptian dance performance
19:00 - 19:45
Giuliano Medici - Electroacoustic text & sound performance
Nike Markelius & Lotta Partapuoli - Musikperformance: Rock n roll
Sunday 22/8
14:00 - 14:50
Sunday Sweethearts - Music Performance: Jazz
15:00 - 15:30
Charlotte Qvandt - Poetry Reading: Blood Pictures
15:30 - 16:00
16:00 - 17:00
DJ Jin Mustafa
17:00 - 18:00
Dwayne Sodahberk - Music Performance: DubTechno
PROGRAM AUGUST 28-29 - Starrmyran
Saturday 28/8
14-15: 00
Capoeira Angoleiros do Mar - Capoeria Angola workshop and ceremony
15-16: 00
DJ OSMUndo (Brazil / Sweden)
Open Dance jam - Dancer / instructor Dennis the Menace aka Denis Vera & DJ / Musician Daniel Savio aka Kool DJ Dust + MC
19-21: 00
Fake Daughter & Friends - DJs, Poetry, live music through queer-bipoc cultural collectivism
Sunday 29/8
Little Capoeira Club - Speaking Bodies - Workshop in Capoeira for children
Annika Koskinen - Open Yoga Pass
DJ Boo Wallin - House, Beats, Disco Soul, funk
Yanina Miranda - Roller Skate Choreography + If the weather is dry - Open Roller Skate Jam 16-18!
PROGRAM 4-5 SEPTEMBER - Fagerlidsparken II
Saturday 4/9
14: 00-15: 45 Nina Grigorjeva & Folk Music Jam (Concert 30 minutes, Jam 75 minutes)
15: 45-16: 00 Klara Nordqvist - Art performance
16: 00-16: 30 Scenic panel discussion Andréa Arlid & co
17: 00-18: 00 Hökarängens Antikvariat presents 4th author / poet - Readings by Mia Axelsson / Vendela Fredricson / Elise Karlsson / Hanna Riisager
18: 00-18: 30 Sound Check
18.30-19: 30 DJ Xifo Valencia - Techno
19: 30-20: 00 Thomas Hård - Dub Electronica
20: 00-21: 45 DJ Ms. K aka Bella Demhat - Techno
Sunday 5/9
14: 00-14.30 Among Hökarängen's landscapes, art and memories - A 30 minute walk with Anneli Forsberg
14.30-15.00 Marinera Norteña - Folk dance from Peru
15.00-15.45 Sound check
15.45-16.15 The children's band - Finnish-language popular music with a 6-headed children's band
16:15 - 17:00 Darya and the Moonlight Orchestra - Swedish-Finnish contemporary Tango with 7-headed band
17.15 -18.00 Agnes Persson Trio - Jazz