Artists: Shaon Chakraborty, Lilian Lindblad Domec, Junehyuck Jeon, Anna Kinbom, Martin Nordström,  Bridge Radio, William Utermohlen

Exhibition opening 25th May 5 pm - 8 pm
Exhibition Performance 25 May 6 pm Anna Kinbom and Niklas Wennström Bryggan duo
Launch of the next issue of the Vård och Värde newspaper including a supplement made by Konstfack students

Welcome to the second exhibition within the practice Vård och Värde at Konsthall C. The exhibition takes its starting point from the collectively made newspaper Vård och Värde (Care and Value). The newspaper-like the wider project - has been developed by cultural workers and care workers and their efforts to investigate their working conditions, share knowledge across generations and gather experiences from both those who work in care and those that ‘receive’ care. Care work is devalued, unpaid, or underpaid work that contains vast amounts of invisibilised knowledge and skills. It highlights our mutual interdependence and draws attention to our different bodily needs and desires.

In the exhibition and our third newspaper, the role of documentation in care work is highlighted. The constant documentation of work creates impossible schedules and impenetrable processes for criticism and complaints. The work of documentation often hinders improvements to working structures and prevents meaningful meetings between care staff and care recipients. At the same time, both care staff and care recipients express their experiences of the care system through art, diary writing, poetry and conversations. Documents of their own to digest intense and often traumatic experiences. Many artists also work in healthcare. The works in the exhibition explore the role art can play in care work and at the end of life. Can art be a way of expressing experiences of care often difficult to articulate, that are beyond language? Or help collectivise our interdependence and vulnerability in a world that seeks to marginalise them?

The exhibition as well as the newspaper hope to be tools to create space for conversations about the conditions of ageing and care work.

At Konsthall C Shaon Chakraborty invites local care workers in Farsta and wider Stockholm to a collective acupuncture session. During the treatment care workers are given the opportunity to talk about their knowledge of vulnerability - and how to deal with grief - and how their skills and knowledge has developed through their care work.

During their last days in hospital and a nursing home, the artist Lilian Lindbland Domec draws more and more angels fluttering around on her paper. Artworks emerge on hospital envelopes. For Lilian, drawing was also a way of dealing with the world - love, pain, ridicule.

In an experimental short film Junehyuck Jeon explores how temporality, memory, presence and absence take on new meaning - a way to reflect on his father-in-law’s last year of life with dementia. Through montage and light, Junehyck builds a story that makes us question our normative understanding of time.

Anna Kinbom’s new work deals with teeth. Loose teeth. Hand made teeth, teeth in a bridge. Through the creation of a sculptural dental bridge, the works explores connections between body, sculpture, care work and art.

Through a series of new drawings, Martin Nordström strives to show the human experience behind the strict formality of complaints written to the Health and Social Care Inspectorate - IVO. He works to visiblise the grief and emotion that is forced to be condensed into the rigidity of the complaint form. In other drawings, we encounter details from elderly care, such as alarm buttons and hospital beds.

Bridge Radio presents a new radio program that reflects on care, aging and migration. Bridge Radio discusses the conditions for aging in the asylum system, and the role of mutual care in resisting the diseases that the racist asylum system creates through enforced waiting. The conversation raises important questions about who has the privilege of aging and under what conditions?

How can art practice be a tool to resist normative understanding of ageing and illness? The artist William Utermohlen paints their experience of Alzheimers through a series of self portraits examining new understanding of relationality and self.

The exhibition at Konsthall C is the second iteration. The first part opened at Kalmar Konstmuseum in February 2022. To read more about the first exhibition visit:

Exhibition Performance

25 May 6pm Anna Kinbom and Niklas Wennström Bryggan duo

Since 2014, Anna has worked with songs that she invites the audience to sing along to. In the exhibition at Konsthall C, she will sing and play with the double bassist Niklas Wennström to the different works in the exhibition. Anna plays instruments she mastered as an 11-year-old and Niklas is a professional jazz musician, they started playing together during their work as personal assistants and this is their first joint appearance.

Vård och Värde is designed by Johnny Chang and Louise Nassiri. The editorial team includes: Ulrika Flink, Erica Johansson Afreixo, Gunilla Lundahl and Jenny Richards.

Exhibition is created by Ulrika Flink and Jenny Richards - a part of the Vård och Värde editorial group with Gunilla Lundahl as advisor.

Contributors to the Vård och Värde newspapers so far include: Anahita Amirpour, Fredda Berg, Britt and Nilla, Susanna Bydås, Johnny Chang, G, Ulrika Flink, Rasmus Gabrielsson Eriksson, Lena Jarlöv, Erica Johansson Afreixo, Natte Hillerberg, Sonja Höök, Läkare mot Rasism, Lilian Lindblad Domec, Mona Lindström, Gunilla Lundahl, MAMI: AMA: MÖDRAR, Rossana Mercado-Rojas, Mourning School, Louise Nassiri, Hero Rashid, Jenny Richards, Sanna Tefke, SBAR.CARE and Therese Brodin, Anna Siverskog, Linnea Swedenmark, Isabella Tjäder, Zafira Vrba Woodski, Tomas Woodski and Nawroz Zakholy.

Take a Break! Supplement
The third Vård och Värde newspaper comes with a specially made supplement created by a group of five students and one PhD student from Konstfack University, Stockholm. They came together for a two-week seminar in March 2022, to think and work collectively on the topic of care work.

Vård och Värde is a collective project developed with care and cultural workers in collaboration with the art institutions Konsthall C, MINT and Kalmar Art Museum with the support of Kulturbryggan.

All Welcome! Free Entrance!

Cigarrvägen 14

123 57 Farsta