Konst i förskolan

Konsthall C's pedagogical project Konst i förskolan (Art in the Pre-school) is a collaboration with the Municipality of Farsta and involves all 5-year-olds at all municipal preschools in the area. Invited artists create workshops for staff and children, which in turn create an exhibition at Konsthall C. All artists and their 4-year-old friends are invited to the openings. The format involves around 1000 children per year, with about 500 of them as artists.
Over the years, a number of different artists have tried their ways in an educational environment. The one who has been around since the start is Marie Ehrenbåge. She is the cultural secretary at Farsta district administration, and one of the initiators of Konst i förskolan.
- Konst i förskolan is a method that supports ways for children to express themselves, and to make art a habit. For the teachers, they get inspiring professional development and new tools and methods to work with art and creation.
Konst i förskolan is tied to the temporary artistic programs and aims to explore the intersection of art and education for young children.

Artists engaged in Konst i förskolan
2023: MYCKET (Mariana Alves Silva, Katarina Bonnevier och Thérèse Kristiansson)
2022: Gabo Camnitzer
2021: Monster Chetwynd
2020: Alejandro Montero Bravo
2019: Nasim Aghili and Björn Karlsson
2018: Maryam Fanni and Paula Urbano
2017: Amanda Larsson
2016: Secil Yaylali and Jenny Berntsson
2015: The team at Konsthall C (Jenny Richards och Jens Strandberg)
2014: Sarah Degerhammar and Stephen Kushner
2013: The team at Konsthall C (Anna Kindgren and Carina Gunnars)
2012: The team at Konsthall C
2011: Elisabet Skoglund