How we work

The team is made up of the artistic director (employed on a temporary basis), the managing director (permanently employed) and extra personnel (like coordinators, hosts and technicians - usually employed per hour or for a short period). The artistic director is responsible for curating, planning and producing the exhibitions, projects and events here. The managing director’s role is to organise finances and staff, as well as plan strategic development for Konsthall C with a longer-term perspective. The board at Konsthall C is constructed through an open call, and no members are paid.
Despite the apparent hierarchy we strive to organise our work in a collective manner. Directors host the gallery, and weekend hosts attend board meetings. Everyone cleans the toilet.
Our current trajectory - inspired by decoloniality within the arts - started in 2020. In 2019, a workplace conflict made public, prompted an investigation into the leadership at Konsthall C. A former employee refused a fixed-term contract, citing that they had previously been promised a permanent position at the art gallery. This claim was rejected by the board and attempts to mediate the conflict failed. The previous years had presented a public program (The Decolonial Turn) which raised the expectations of Konsthall C as an informed and just cultural actor. These expectations were not met in the conflict. The course of events resulted in a number of public announcements, and a series of changes in how Konsthall C works.
At the same time we were approached by Mansi Kashatria, then a MA student at Linköping University. Together with the managing director, she constructed a proposal for a brief investigation with an aim of building a decolonial process for Konsthall C. This proposal was adopted by the board and conducted in early 2020, simultaneously as Ulrika Flink started her job as artistic director.
Konsthall C is special in the way the artistic program informs the structure. Starting out as a work of art, the aim has always been to blur the boundaries between the organisation and the program. This gives us an opportunity to experiment with the way we work, and let the important ideas of decoloniality within the arts guide us toward a new type of institution, with dissent and diversity in perspectives as driving forces.
We are commited to being an anti-racist institution, working towards an understanding off what this means both in principle and practice for us.
Codes of Conduct
- Spring 2020: Open call for board members
- Fall 2020: Mansi Kashatrias report draft
- Spring 2021: New hiring policy, Routines for board members
- Fall 2021: Announcement of residency Transforming Brick and Mortar, Mansi Kashatria’s PhD
- Spring 2022: Mapping of Konsthall C from accessibility and safety perspectives
- Fall 2022: Codes of conduct for staff, partners and visitors
Further reading (in Swedish):
Would you like to know more about how we adopt theories of decoloniality within the arts, and what the specific events were that lead us onto this path? Contact managing director Erik at